Dear Younger Me
Dear Younger Me
Today it's your 21st birthday. Happy birthday to me. I wanted to give you some advice for the future.
Don't think your not beautiful
You are beautiful all the times you said your not YOU ARE.
Don't let stupid comments affect you
You are way stronger than you think and if anyone says something bad or mean to you. Ignore those comments because you are way better thank you think.
Not been confident
I know your shy and quiet but when people get you know you they get to see the real you. The funny, nerdy, caring and loving heart you have. And thinking popularity or having the brains to everything doesn't mean your not smart you are. Confidence comes slowly but when you do get it you feel great!
Like the first time, you will go onto the bus for the first time without your mum or family that's a big achievement
Be you
Don't pretend to be someone else because the real you is funny and who people love.
Don't hold onto friendships when you know they aren't there
You lose friends and gain friends, it's hard first to talk to someone new but when you both have something in common it seems you already know each other. And if you lose a friend don't be upset, it's either they are stuck up or don't like you been you.
Overcoming something you never thought you have
Having thyroid cancer sucks but when you overcome it and be the boss in control of it and determined to get through it, you know you are alright. And don't forget to comfort your family and friend's because it's a bigger shock to them for you.
I know secondary school is scary and you dread going in and can't wait to leave it. Don't get the school to your head and don't get anxious on a Sunday night dreading for Monday and coming home upset But school isn't the end of the world you know you won't be a student till your 100. It's only a short few years and you can do whatever you want afterwards. And if you decide to go to that library in school you might meet your future best friend who you never thought you meet.
Take the moments of been with family
You may not have your family all the time as some of them will pass away. Get off technology and talk to them and hear stories you never hear until they are gone.
So to take away from this letter be you and don't ever change yourself because of someone. And you're always loved by your family and friends.
Thank you all for reading this post! If you want something just like this again on the blog comment below!
And Happy 21st Birthday to me again ;)
See you all soon!
S x
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