Call The Midwife Overview Review S6E1
Hey, Blogger Nation!
I watched last night Call the Midwife the first episode of the sixth season!
If you don't want any Spoilers! LEAVE NOW! You have been warned!
We go straight into meeting the new sister Ursula ( Harriet Walter) who I am not a big fan, very hard to everyone. When everyone came back from South Africa to be all happy and jolly until Ursula decides to rain on their parade including removing their TV in the sitting room.
With that, we were introduced with our heavily pregnant Trudy who's husband Lester just out of prison and is been domestic to her, and her OWN mother looks on! UNBELIEVABLE. But her six-year-old cute son Mickey (Who took everyone's hearts away last night) Lester wants him to be taught boxing and to stand up himself. But when the Lester has a disagreement with Trudy, ending him locking Trudy in their bedroom, and poor Mickey sit's at the top of the stairs and playing toys when Trudy saying "This is a game, Imagine I'm locked up in a private ship." My heart is slowly breaking
:( Mickey Bravely get's a kitchen knife managing to slide it under the door for Trudy to attack the door and getting out, running with Mickey to Nonnatus House, while just beginning to be in LABOUR! Some woman she is along that afterwards, she's so amazingly brave to divorce Lester. And moves away from London living happily with Mickey and her newborn baby girl.
We also get to see Sister Mary Cynthia (Bryony Hannah) mental illness been covered since last season she was unfortunately got violently assaulted and she has now PDS (Post Dramatic Stress) Which she is has left to go to a hospital to be treated without anyone knowing expect Sister Ursula Of course. Pasty gets a letter about the family in Hong Kong who is now paralysed and is comforted by Delia. Along that Sister, Ursula has taken the joy out of Nonnatus House. Along having going up the wrong side of everyone. But Good News! Shelagh Turner former Sister Bernadette is now going to have A BABY with Dr Turner! I'm so happy! I can't wait! And Barbara bought herself her engagement ring since Rev Tom was going to wait a little longer but a girl can't wait too long!
I really enjoyed last night's episode it definitely had me on the verge of tears and my heart melting because of Mickey. I can't wait for next week's episode!
That's the overview! Hope you enjoyed the post! Don't forget to read my new post every Fridays! But since Call the Midwife is on I be writing a post every Monday! :)
That's the overview! Hope you enjoyed the post! Don't forget to read my new post every Fridays! But since Call the Midwife is on I be writing a post every Monday! :)
S x
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