What I'm listening to | April

Hey guys,
I did a post like this back in February, I'm doing this post every two months as in March I didn't change much to my listening playlist but this month I have completely  changed!

So I will give my top 10 songs from since then! 

1. Trouble - Iggy Azalea ft Jennifer Hudson
2.  I Loved You - Blonde
3. Nobody Love - Tori Kelly
4. Miracle - Ovi and Paula Seling
5. Hold Back The River - James Bay
6. Wish you were mine- Philip George
7.Drift Away - Nathan Carter
8.Children of the Universe - Molly Smitten Downes
9. King - Years and Years
10. Monstercat Podcasts

I'm really getting into house music, thanks to some of my classmates who always playing tune's in class whenever they can. And I'm getting ready for Eurovision which is in May so I be listening to music from the artists this year, that will be a post in May so keep an eye out for that if your a fan of the show!
I also am starting to like the song King from Years and Years which are an English group and becoming very popular! And James Bay of course who is my artist of the month I can't stop playing his song! It's so good! 

 Years and Years
I was thinking of setting up an soundcloud account I can't find all of my songs from the playlist of songs on the website so I decided will do a YouTube Playlist later on!


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