Real meaning of Christmas

I was in the middle of mass tonight (I'm Roman Catholic so I go to mass every weekend) and the priest was talking in his sermon and he was saying whats the real meaning of Christmas to us. Is it the presents? The food ? Jesus? Family?

I thought about it, we think about the presents and the food. I do like them too but it's about Jesus Christ. Through the 5-6 weeks of advent we learn and hear of the stories how God chose Mary the Virgin to give birth to Jesus and her cousin Elizabeth who is an older lady and she was spirited like Mary and gave birth to John the Baptist etc.

We would go to the school nativity's to see the children playing as Mary, Joesph, the high Kings and the shepherds. As I found out now not many schools and communities aren't doing to this which is quite sad as this has been happening for a long time!

 Christmas is all about our religion and spending the time with our loved ones and yes I do like the presents and the food but that's just a small example I like about Christmas. Since I have got older I have decided to be grateful of going to mass and loving God now as before I wasn't grateful and I refused not to go to mass. But since a year ago, something have changed me that Jesus is here for me and I should go and pray and not complain.
But anyway to point is there isn't many young people going to mass and when I go to my school masses very little of the student have a clue what the mass is about and don't even know the prayers. 

So the real meaning to me is Christ and how he was born 2000 years ago.

Whats the meaning of Christmas to you? Comment below and I love to know! 
Sheilann xx


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