The last time I talked about RUST the steam game which was at alpha has completely changed. The FacePunch studios announced during the summer that they were updating and changing the rust we knew to a completely new land of rust.
Every week on their blog they would post on how they are getting on with the new ideas and graphics. And since then in September we could test out the new experimental which is pretty cool and exciting. Rust is still Alpha but rebooted.
Now the new rust is pretty good than the older one, we can go into first person or be in third person which is pretty cool.
You stills start naked as usual, and with a rock. No bandages or a torch this time. When I played it for the first time it was really difficult to see as it was a lot darker then the older. The graphics have improved so much its like cinematic to me personally.
You can hear other players from a distance and the animals. You can also hear other players building or upgrading their house.
Also the microphone quality on other people sound really good now as the same for Arma III! There is new lands as before we never had, we have mountains with snow, sand, forests, sea and lakes.
Whats really difficult is to find stone, metal ore, surfer and animals. Very easy to find wood as you actually get more wood from trees than wood piles as before in the older verison you would only get 10-20 pieces of wood from trees. Wolves and bears are still hard to kill, bores as usually pretty easy to hit with your rock.
The building the game is now also completely different too, you have to get wood and some cloth as you have to first craft a foundation blueprint.
It seems good enough update, very difficult to find animals and stone, metal ore, and surfer. I'm hoping to play it again soon and hope to build a hope with my friends!
See you guys soon!
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