
Showing posts from June, 2017

Wonder Woman | Movie Review

Hello Blogger's Nation, It has been a while! Not to worry I hope to get some writing inspiration soon, just had writer's block for a while! But if you have any suggestions or want to become a guest writer on the blog contact me at  I got the chance to see Wonder Woman last Thursday the first day it was released! I was so excited to see Wonder Woman getting a film on her own, no Batman, no Superman just one Woman kicking ass. I try not to give too many spoilers but I just give you what it's about. The story is about Diana (Gal Gadot) growing up on the island of Themyscira where all the Amazons live which was created by Zeus to fight against Ares God of War. Young Diana has been training with her aunt Antiope ( Robin Wright) just she sees something unfamiliar flying vehicle which has a man called Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) With that Invasion men come onto the island who are Germans following Steve who is an American pilot and undercover spy...