
Showing posts from October, 2015

Peitie Boohoo Wishlist

Hey Blogging Nation! Hope everyone is having a great Friday! So I wanted to make a Petite Wish list from as I love to their website, and to browse all the Clothing they have!  In stores I feel petite clothing on the racks are pretty Shockley bad to my opinion, and most of the clothes in the store for petite wouldn't suit me! Now just want to add, this is NOT sponsored by I'm just a big fan of their clothes! Here's some of my boohoo petite wish-list Buy Petite Ivy Jumper Here  Hetty Open Shoulder Knitted Top Here Claire Faux Fur Gilet Here Sadie Knitted Waterfall Link here: Bomber Jacket Link Here Melissa Loose  Cardigan What i love about this wish list is, that everything here is very reasonable and is so affordable for me as been a student and not having much money this great! So I hope you all like c...

October Mini Haul

Hey Blogger's Nation! So this month I got a mini haul for you all! For Halloween, I bought a two packets of red fairy lights, along with some ghostly looking candles for my bedroom and kitchen. They are from Dealz and was only 7 euro! I also got a few things in New Look, with petite t shirt, Peitite & Chic, a tanned watch which unfortunate was broke which I didn't realize and I got a replacement but somehow that one is broken too. Maybe the watches in New Look isn't suiting me. Along with some cute clip bow tie, and some rather cool black leather trainers with a fancy gold detail on them, and a small set of ear rings as I haven't new ear rings for a long time! I also got a new book from the hit video games Assassin Creed, Assassin Creed Unity written by Oliver Bowden. Which is about the assassins in France during the French revolution. Bought it in Easons. That's I got this month as I have been fairly busy with college at the moment, and I h...

My Debs

Hey Blogger's Nation! So I wanted go through this and reflect my time of my debs. Now It was back in August (it feels ages ago) I bought my dress in Pamela Scott. My hair was done by the lovely Aisling Kelleher Up Stylist did my hair, Judy from Tres Chic did my make up aswell my tan. Both hair and make up lasted for the entire night! Myself and my debs date and fellow classmate Jason, Jason wore a lovely Navy 3 piece suit from Gentlemen's Quarters . What was even better for me, Jason wore a bowtie and tanned shoes (I love a boy with bowties and tanned shoes)  ļ»æ We all had to meet at Blue Heaven, Kinsale to get on our buses. Everyone looked all glammed up and all handsome in their suits. We went to our hotel where the rest of our evening be spent.  Now what was cool when we entered, we were welcomed with a glass of champagne and a trolley of sweets which was raided very early!  I was looking forward to our food. Starter was a lovely bo...

Sisterhood of the world Bloggers

Hey Blogging Nation, I was nominated by the lovely Marie from thebeautmum thank you very much for it! I never really expect myself to be nominated for such things! The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers. Thanks Marie for the nomination.:) There are rules : ~Thank the blogger who nominated you & share their link. ~ Answer the 10 questions youā€™ve been given. ~ Come up with 10 questions of your own. ~ Nominate up to 10 bloggers & spread the love! THE QUESTIONS: If you had to pick to have cosmetic surgery of some kind what would you have done? Well first of all I wouldn't never go for cosmetic surgery. If I did get something done I would get probably get my wrinkles off my face.  What has been the highlight of your life so far ? I would honestly say been with my family and the people I love. I love to live life and I am grateful for my life and what I have already. If you could drive any car in the world what would you drive ? Now I love cars and I have a co...

#IBA Cork Conference | Day Out

Hey Blogger's Nation, So I got the chance to go to the Irish Blogger Association event here in Cork! This was my first ever event I went as an official blogger. I brought along a friend of mine Hannah aka Hannah Hugs  who is pretty new to blogging so I thought it would help her. We arrived at the Clarion Hotel in the city, we got into the conference room. We sat down and little did we know I was sitting next to Rebelle Haze and Meggan aka Cardigan Jezebel ! Lovely to meet them, I also  to see Jen aka TooDollyMakeUp who I love on Snapchat and I also got to see Ali Long from (fangirled) Now the panels, and talks they had, They had guest speakers Ali Long, Anita from ,  , Ciamhie Mc Digital, Allan Dixon, Darragh Doyle, itscherrysue and her sister stonetravel , James Kavanagh.  They also had a fashion panel featuring Holly Shortall , Galway Playe r, Dapper Dave Cash , Mark Anthony , Mei Ling Tong , ...