My Top 10 favourite movies
Hello Blogger Nation!
How are you! Sorry I haven't posted! But I'm back! So I thought I share my top 10 favourite movies!
Hope you enjoy it!
1. Tangled, Disney

One of my all time favourite movies! I love rapunzel in the Disney film she's so energetic and so compassionate to go to see the lanterns on her birthday. And her relationship with Eugene! And it's so bright and colourful and cheerful! Plus the lanterns are a beautiful moment.

2. Captain America: The First Avenger

Swoon over the gorgeous Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) based in 1940's in World War time. I love this era just because of the style and the vintage cars at the time. With that, I fell in love with the ship of Peggy and Rogers.

One of the best and inspiring films of one young woman getting the stories of African American women who were maids for white people. When Skeeter (Emma Stone) get the amazing stories of Ailbileen and Minny and many other maids. Plus when Minny got that the sweet revenge to her former employer oh the joys of it! I loved it! "Eat my Shit" dying of laughter! And bringing some friendship and peace with white and African Americans.

5. Mamma Mia

Take the chance on me? Good cause this is one classic that everyone loves! Course you know the story but me I love the movie because of the songs from ABBA!

One of the movies that got me into musical theatre and sure straight after the movie came with the musical. Music by Elton John. The show's a Geordie boy who gets into ballet by accident thanks to the local teacher in the community centre. Billy falls for ballet and begins to take it seriously. Plus one of my favourite bits is when Billy does the Angry dance.

Merida the fierce redhead who wants to prove it that girls can do the same as boys. Definitely bringing the badass and with that, she proves it right girls can rule! Inspired me a lot.
One of my all time favourites of car action film's with some absolute beast cars. And showing Dominic (Vin Diesel) and Brian (Paul Walker) course the newest movie from the season is happening to be released on 12th of April in nationwide cinemas.

Of course, the wizarding world dreaming of becoming a wizard or witch. Having your own broom, owl and getting to be sorted into the four houses. I always thought I am Gryffindor but I was wrong! I'm Hufflepuff. Still, dream to be going to Hogwarts *sighs*

Of course influenced by Harry Potter, and missing the HP series. The day Fantastic beasts movie came out (which I went to see in that evening) ohh how much I loved it! It was amazing seeing the 1900's and plus seeing the wizarding world. Plus seeing some Newt's creatures especially niffler (so cute)
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