8 TV characters that I love & Admire #2

Hey Blogger Nation! Happy Friday! So this is a part of a series I started. Part one of this series link is here Link These are some of my admirations which are all women it seems this part of the post! 1. Arya Stark, Game of Thrones One of the youngest members from the Starks, from the start of the show she was totally showing she was going to be a badass in the show. She wanted to show that girls can fight too, escaping from the King's Landing to going to a different land, managing to get a few kills and making a list of people who she is going to kill. The list is rather long but most of them on that list is already did. She even went blind but got her sight back, she bravely said she's leaving to go home, heading back to Winterfell. 2. Maggie Greene, The Walking Dead Maggie faced a lot in the world of the walking dead, seeing her family die including her father. But she is incredibly strong who is the peacemaker, always trying to get e...