Disney Tag
Hello everyone!
Back again with a different kind of post! A Disney Tag! I love Disney so much! It's a happy place for me. I can be a kid watching the movies and forget everything around me. So lets begin!
1. Favourite Princess.
I say either Elsa, Anna, Merida and Rapunzel
2. Favourite Prince.
Eugene even though he's not a prince he's still a favourite.Anna and Kristoff, and Rapunzel and Eugene

I say it has to be Snow White, I just never liked her.
5. Least Favourite Prince.
I say it's prince Philip, Princess Aurora hubby yeah doesn't speak in the movie if I can remember!
6. Least Favourite Couple.
Hmm I say it's Peter Pan and Windy, I didn't really like the movie or the remakes.
I love Elsa's dress along Belles!
Pocahontas I know it's harsh because it's tradition Indian cultural dress but it's a bit lifeless.
9. A Princess who Inspires You.
I always felt Princess Merida, Anna and Elsa always inspired me.
10. Worst Decision made by a Princess.
I say Arielle asking for legs... I can't think of anything else!
11. A Villain who you feel was justified in their treatment of [the] Princess/Prince.
Well I thought when Merida proved it to the other boys they are capable of shooting with a bow.
I would love to trade with either Merdia or Elsa!
13. A Princess whose life you would hate to have.
14. A Princess you think is a bad role model for young girls.
Ohhh hmm I say don't know maybe Jasmine I don't know why!
15. Favourite Tiara.
Elsa's and Rapunzel they are pretty!

16. Favourite song sung by a Princess (can include duets).
Rapunzel's "When Will My Life Begin" and I see the Light
17. Least Favourite Song Sung by a Princess (can include duets)
I won't say I'm in Love - Meg from Hercules
18. The Princess with whom you would be Best Friends.
Definitely Merida, Repunzel and Anna! They seem really fun
19. The Princess With Whom You Would Be Frenemies.

I say Jasmine again
21. The Princess You Would Dress As for a Halloween/Costume Party.
I say Anna
22. List Three Admirable Qualities About the Princess You Named on Question number #1
I going to pick so Rapunzel. So the three admirable qualities Good Manners, Determination and Gratitude
23. A Princess You Feel Didn’t Deserve Her Happy Ending.
Oh well I feel like Princess Aurora because all she did was sleep! :D
24. The Happy Ending You Feel Didn’t Make Sense/Was Too Easy.
I would say Cinderella
25. Favourite Sidekick
My two favourite's are rascal from Tangled and Sven from Frozen.
26. Most Interesting Story?
Frozen Elsa and Anna's story because how Anna went so much trouble to get her sister back!
27. Best Singing Voice.
My point of view I say Elsa, and Rapunzel.
28. Edge of Your Seat: The Moment You Find Most Exciting.
Every time in Tangled does Rapunzel save Eugene at the end! Opps spoiler!
29. If You Were a Disney Princess, What Would Your Story Be?
The Irish princess who want's peace with everyone maybe trying to stop a serious Irish Celtic War or a Irish Princess who was to travel around the world and meet fellow princess.
30 .What Do You Want to See from the Next Disney Princess?
Well Princess Moana is going to be the newest princess and from the trailer I can't to see her! I love to know more tropical princesses!
That's the Disney Tag!
Thank you guys for reading! Some people nominate other bloggers so I'm going to nominate four Cloggers (Cork Bloggers!)
Marie (TheBeautmum) https://thebeautmum.wordpress.com/
Rebecca (Along Came Becs) https://alongcamebecs.wordpress.com/
Meggan (CardiganJezebel) http://www.cardiganjezebel.com/
Shin (ThinkingOutLoud) https://thinkingoutloudfashion.wordpress.com/
I see you all next week!
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