8 TV characters that I love & Admire #1
Hey Blogger's Nations!
Happy Friday all!
So this is an part of a series I am going to start! Never done series before but we give it an go! So some of my inspirations which are all women it seems this part of the post!
So lets start shall we?
Also I wanted to start using more gifs! Shows more expressions of the characters! :)
Supergirl/Kara (Supergirl)
Played by Melissa Benoist. We haven't heard Supergirls side of the story in TV shows for an long time. From watching some of the episodes from season one. Kara as herself is quite geeky like Barry Allen (The Flash) and has some very cute sense of style for working with one of the best female entrepreneur's in the show Cat Grant. Along been an kick ass female superhero working without any male superheroes!
What I love about Kara is she is such an lovable character along gibbering when she gets nervous just like me at times! And her little adorable frowning is so cute!
What I love about Kara is she is such an lovable character along gibbering when she gets nervous just like me at times! And her little adorable frowning is so cute!
Peggy Carter (Peggy Carter, Captain America First Avenger)
Played by Hayley Atwell, if you recognize her she was in Captain America First Avenger and has her own show thanks to the fans demanding it! In the film she amazing showing she doesn't like to be messed with when she was working with the American Army and did not take any bullsh*t from any of the army boys! Along been the only female working in SHIELD after the world war 2 she fought for women's independence to work in the men's secret service etc! Just a total bad ass, she was one of my first inspirations since I was an teen!
Margery Tyrell (Game of Thrones)
Played by one of fav's Natalie Dormer. Playing an dominate female in Game of Thrones she knows how to use how to charm her husbands and getting loved by the people of King Landing. She also knows how to annoy her mother in law Cersi Lannister and I can't wait to see more of her in season 6! Though right now her situation she won't be doing so great!
Sara and Laurel Lance (Arrow)
Laurel on left and Sara on right |
Sara played by Caity Lotz and Laurel played by Katie Cassidy both sisters in the show. Sara been missing at sea with the main character and returns to be alive, able to fight and protect the women of the Glades and has some moves along and loved by many of family and friends. Laurel an attorney, a very good one that she is able to get the bad guys behind bars by law and at the end of season 3 able to kick ass like her sister Sara fought together side by side!
Daisy Johnson (MARVEL Agent's of Shield)

Played by Chloe Bennet,from MARVEL. First season we known her as Skye an hacker, didnt know her parents until she finally got to meet them .Along finding out she has an superpower its pretty badass along been an fan favorite along been trained by Agent May yet again another kickass! Along loving her new hair do!

Lexa (The 100)
Played by the amazing Alycia Debnam Carey. Lexa is a commander of 12 nations.Not only been a great leader of all the nations. Lexa showing the clever decisions, her leadership, along having an great courage of risking her life for others. Along been an fan favorite since been been with Clarke their shipping is been an bit cra cra also very cute in ways!
"We gather here on this Ascension Day to honor the Commanders that came before me. Those who live on within me. As I will live on within one of you"
Also season 3 this was my reaction! Not trying to spoil any spoilers! I really tried to contain myself with calm and hold in my emotions!
Octavia (The 100)
Played by Marie Avergeropoulos
From been an girl who came to earth, from turning from a sky person to an grounder and having working like an boss and showing she can prove to everyone she is worth it to be an grounder to loving an grounder Lincoln and showing she is her own person! She also has that sway of like I don't care mode at times in the show! Lol

Bobbi Morse (MARVEL Agent's of Shield)
Played by Adrianne Palicki
From season 2 meeting Bobbi she is pretty feisty one and doesn't take much from her ex husband and her guy friends along been quite capable to stand up on her own without any men and has some pretty awesome fighting moves! Though right now I'm not an fan of her and Hunter.

So this is part one, hope you like it! If you do comment on here or any social media I am on! See you all next week!
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