Cork Panto Review: Beauty & the Beast!

Hey Blogger's Nation! I went to see one of Cork's most traditional thing to do thing for Christmas and January see the Panto! I haven't seen the panto for two years! Last time I went to see Aladdin. Beauty and the Beast was in the Cork Opera House this year. I went to see the show on the last weekend evening show (Saturday) My seat was fourth row and I did not realize how close I was to the stage which brilliant for 25 euro! Usually Cork pantos would have a bit of Irish banter and alot of Cork Slang like Alright Boi! Which is gas! Story Belle lives in Winterfell (Game of Throne joke!) her father goes to the science fair, gets lost gets found comical Chip (Declan Wolfe) when he comes onto stage he says Hello everybody we all had to say "Aright Chip Boi" Love it! Basically the father gets taken hostage in the castle bythe beast, Belle comes to save him and exchanges to stay at the castle for the father go. We also meet the amazing Dame Nanny Potts (Fr...