Jungle | July Artist

Hey Blogger Nation!

So my artist of the month is Jungle. A modern soul band from London England. Formed in 2013 by Tom McFarland and Josh Lloyd-Watson.

Tom and Josh
How I found the band was through iTunes when their single of "Julia" was the free song of the week. And I could not stop playing that song! Due their music sense of style they are completely different kind of genre music I usually listen to which would be pop, dupstep, electric and country but I absolutely love it! 
The Full Band of Jungle

Jungle claims their sense of style is "midtempo 1970s-style funk" and their music is intermixed with "tropical percussion, wildlife noises, falsetto yelps, psychedelic washes and badoinking bass" Which I love may I say!

Jungle are getting more and more popular due to their song "Busy Earning" been used for adverts which is great! They are also now getting to played on the main stage of Glastonbury Festival in 2014 and again this year, they played at Other Stage this year!

Everyone is loving their vibe!

Their songs I love other than Jungle is "Busy Earning" and "Platoon" 

I do wish that Jungle gets played here in Ireland more as they are really great music and they do play here in Ireland couple times of the year!

Busy Earning

Jungle @ Glasntonbury 2015
