Celebrity Big Brother | New Addiction
I was able to watch the show before on my television but my satellite box decided to be a stupid one and not show it all! :(
When I was sick with the flu I saw on twitter the trend #CBBPerez and I looked into more. Perez Hilton the American blog writer was in Celebrity Big Brother. So I begin watching the start as it was already on their day 6 when I got into it.
Perez had definitely have annoyed everyone in the house and general public watching with his behavior and a arguments with Katie Hopkins.
In a way I like Katie H, as before I hated her because of the things she said she dislikes.
Nadia who is now excited was always trying to be the peace maker but for me she kept getting annoying doing it and she properly thought she was helping but she was really making it worse.
And her argument with Callum Best about the food was so stupid, he only wanted to make lighter food as Nadia always made heavy food for the housemates,
Perez was trying to make everyone turn on each other like the hunger games!
Who do I think will win it? Either Katie Hopkins, Katie Price or Michelle.
I'm really enjoying the show so far! Lets bring on more drama!

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