The Day Of The Doctor Review
Hey Whovians!
Last night the doctor who 50th anniversary episode aired last night on BBC 1 + all over the world.
Written by the great writer Steven Moffat. Matt Smith (The Doctor), Jenna Louise Coleman(Clara Owsin) were joined by the return of David Tennant (10th doctor), and Billie Piper and introduction to John Hurt as the War doctor.
The doctor was needed by the UNIT in London, and found a portrait from his home planet. Would you believe the doctor married queen Elizabeth the 1st? Yeah I know why would he marry her? Anyway they had to stop this alien called a Zygons. Which are very ugly I must say. They can change into any human which is impressive.
To me Billie didn't come back as Rose she was actually a Moment Interface, a Gallifreyan super weapon. And still credited as Rose Tyler even though she was playing her this time.
Matt and David played amazing together and they were so cute as they were fighting about the fiz and the 10th doctors sneakers!
Overall the episode was amazing! Was brilliant and only got confused once for once! And there was a very big surprise at the end of episode!

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